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Functioning of Breweries, Distilleries & such other manufacturing units requiring continuous process

Following notification of "Complete Safety Restrictions" w.e.f 17:00 Hrs. of 2310312020 by the Government vide Order No. H &FWll20l20 dated2210312020 read with subsequent order passed by the Hon'ble Chief Secretary vide No. 28-CS/2020 dated 2610312020, all operations at breweries, distilleries and such other manufacturing units were suspended. Many of these manufacturing units need continuous process. For example, manufacturing of beer involves a series of processes like brewing, fermentation, maturation, filtration, bottling, boiler, ammonia refrigeration, CO2 plant operation etc. Brewery falls under Hazardous Process under the Factories Act because of the Ammonia Plant it uses. Any shortage of power supply and water is likely to have safety ramifications in the vicinity. Likewise, distilleries also need to operate boilers and other installations requiring continuous process.

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