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Banco Macchine Italiane in India

AMAPLAST  e  UCIMU-SISTEMI PER PRODURRE , le due principali associazioni italiane hanno uno Sportello presso la Camera di Commercio e Industria Indo Italiana (IICCI) nell'ambito del progetto “Piattaforma India”. 


UCIMU -SISTEMI PER PRODURRE è l'associazione italiana dei produttori di macchine utensili, robot, sistemi di automazione e prodotti ausiliari (CN, utensili, componenti, accessori). Rappresentante ufficiale del settore, UCIMU-SISTEMI PER PRODURRE conta oggi oltre 200 aziende associate, che rappresentano oltre il 70% del Made in Italy del settore. Per maggiori dettagli sull'associazione visitare


AMAPLAST è l'associazione italiana produttori di macchine, attrezzature ausiliarie e stampi per la lavorazione di materie plastiche e gomma e rappresenta oltre 165 aziende leader. Ha l'obiettivo di promuovere nel mondo la conoscenza dell'industria italiana delle tecnologie per la lavorazione delle materie plastiche e della gomma che si pone ai vertici del mercato mondiale, in termini di produzioni ed esportazioni. Per maggiori dettagli sull'associazione visita il sito

Dall'inizio del desk a partire da marzo 2013, India desk ha aiutato molte aziende italiane, aziende indiane e importanti associazioni/enti commerciali per le loro esigenze specifiche ad esplorare opportunità di business in India e in Italia.

La presentazione dettagliata delle attività del banco dell'India può essere  leggi qui

Per qualsiasi assistenza e ulteriori informazioni si prega di contattare:


Signor Nilesh Joshi

Manager - Italian Machinery Desk in India


Tel.:  +91 22 67728186

Per aggiornamenti regolari del settore delle macchine utensili italiane, delle macchine per la lavorazione della plastica e della gomma, segui la nostra pagina LinkedIn dedicata all'Italian Machinery Desk in India


Eventi imminenti e passati

  • Digital B2Bs with Italian Heavy Engineering Metal Working Machining Solutions Providers
    Digital B2Bs with Italian Heavy Engineering Metal Working Machining Solutions Providers
    mar 14 dic
    Online B2B
    14 dic 2021, 14:00 GMT+5:30
    Online B2B
    14 dic 2021, 14:00 GMT+5:30
    Online B2B
    FICEP SpA – 14th & 15th Dec 2021 (2 to 5 pm IST) Pietro Carnaghi SpA – 15th & 16th Dec 2021*
  • MAKE in INDIA with ITALY - Technical Webinar : Heavy Engineering Metal Working Machining Solutions  from Italy
    MAKE in INDIA with ITALY - Technical Webinar : Heavy Engineering Metal Working Machining Solutions  from Italy
    mar 30 nov
    Online Technical Webinar
    30 nov 2021, 15:00
    Online Technical Webinar
    30 nov 2021, 15:00
    Online Technical Webinar
    The IICCI along with the Embassy of Italy in India will organize a Technical webinar on HEAVY ENGINEERING METAL-WORKING MACHINING SOLUTIONS FROM ITALY on 30th Nov 21, in the webinar series MAKE in India with Italy – Italian Technologies, Machinery & Know-How for the Indian Manufacturing Growth.
  • Digital B2Bs with Italian Machine Tool Manufacturers Providing Integrated Solutions with Industry 4.0
    Digital B2Bs with Italian Machine Tool Manufacturers Providing Integrated Solutions with Industry 4.0
    gio 07 ott
    Digital B2B
    07 ott 2021, 12:00 GMT+5:30 – 14 ott 2021, 16:00 GMT+5:30
    Digital B2B
    07 ott 2021, 12:00 GMT+5:30 – 14 ott 2021, 16:00 GMT+5:30
    Digital B2B
    BLM Group – 6th to 8th Oct 2021 (11.30 am to 4 pm) Millutensil – 13th to 14th Oct 2021*
  • MAKE in INDIA with ITALY - Automation & Industry 4.0 : Trends In The Manufacturing Sector
    MAKE in INDIA with ITALY - Automation & Industry 4.0 : Trends In The Manufacturing Sector
    mer 22 set
    Online Technical Webinar
    22 set 2021, 15:00 GMT+5:30
    Online Technical Webinar
    22 set 2021, 15:00 GMT+5:30
    Online Technical Webinar
    The IICCI along with the Embassy of Italy will organize their next technical webinar in the series Automation & Industry 4.0: Trends In The Manufacturing Sector on 22nd September 2021 at 3 pm (Indian time), in the webinar series, Make In India with Italy - Italian Technologies, Machinery & Know
  • MAKE in INDIA with ITALY - Online digital B2Bs With Italian Plastic Recycling Machinery Manufacturers
    MAKE in INDIA with ITALY - Online digital B2Bs With Italian Plastic Recycling Machinery Manufacturers
    mer 21 lug
    Technical Webinar
    21 lug 2021, 14:00 GMT+5:30 – 22 lug 2021, 18:00 GMT+5:30
    Technical Webinar
    21 lug 2021, 14:00 GMT+5:30 – 22 lug 2021, 18:00 GMT+5:30
    Technical Webinar
    The IICCI and the Embassy of Italy in India in collaboration with AMAPLAST are pleased to invite you to Online Digital B2B’s with Italian Plastic Recycling Machinery companies.
  • MAKE in INDIA with ITALY - Plastic Recycling Technologies: Making Plastic Useful Again
    MAKE in INDIA with ITALY - Plastic Recycling Technologies: Making Plastic Useful Again
    mer 07 lug
    Online Technical Webinar
    07 lug 2021, 16:00 – 17:20 GMT+5:30
    Online Technical Webinar
    07 lug 2021, 16:00 – 17:20 GMT+5:30
    Online Technical Webinar
    The IICCI along with the Embassy of Italy will organize their next technical webinar in the series PLASTIC RECYCLING TECHNOLOGIES – MAKING PLASTIC USEFUL AGAIN on 7th July 2021 at 4 pm (Indian time), in the webinar series Make In India with Italy - Italian Technologies, Machinery & Know
  • MAKE in INDIA with ITALY - Online digital B2Bs with Italian Plastic Film Extrusion Technology providers
    MAKE in INDIA with ITALY - Online digital B2Bs with Italian Plastic Film Extrusion Technology providers
    mer 05 mag
    Technical Webinar
    05 mag 2021, 14:00 GMT+5:30 – 07 mag 2021, 18:00 GMT+5:30
    Technical Webinar
    05 mag 2021, 14:00 GMT+5:30 – 07 mag 2021, 18:00 GMT+5:30
    Technical Webinar
    After the success of MAKE in INDIA with ITALY – Latest Developments In Plastic Film Extrusion Technology webinar, the IICCI and the Embassy of Italy in India in collaboration with AMAPLAST are pleased to inform you about Online Digital B2B’s with the Italian Companies
  • MAKE in INDIA with ITALY - Latest Developments in Plastic Film Extrusion Technology
    MAKE in INDIA with ITALY - Latest Developments in Plastic Film Extrusion Technology
    mar 20 apr
    Technical Webinar
    20 apr 2021, 16:00 GMT+5:30
    Technical Webinar
    20 apr 2021, 16:00 GMT+5:30
    Technical Webinar
    The technical webinar will introduce the participants to the Latest Developments in Plastic Film Extrusion Technology, opportunities for industrial collaborations, technological innovation and financial tools available to Indo-Italian companies.
  • MAKE in INDIA with ITALY - Italian Technologies, Machinery & Know-How  for the Indian Manufacturing Growth
    MAKE in INDIA with ITALY - Italian Technologies, Machinery & Know-How  for the Indian Manufacturing Growth
    16 feb 2021, 16:30 – 18:30 GMT+5:30
    The Online Conference will introduce the participants to the opportunities for industrial collaborations, technological innovation and financial tools available to Indo-Italian companies.



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